Tri-lingual vocabulary project
In collaboration with stonemason friends from France, Germany and Austria, I have created a language dictionary in English-French-German for the stone industry - featuring tool names, actions, types of stone, architectural features, geometric terms, business terminology and much more.
This book has now been published by the Librairie du Compagnonnage in Paris. It is available to buy online here at a cost of €15.
If you would like to know more about this book or about its creation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Some examples:
a. E: mortar; F: mortier m, 'colle' f; G: Mörtel m, Speis m
b. E: hawk; F: taloche f; G: Reibbrett s, Maurerscheibe w
E: chainsaw; F: tronçonneuse f, scie (f) à chaine (f), 'Réxo' f; G: Kettensäge w
E: sundial, sun dial; F: cadran (m) solaire;
G: Sonnenuhr w
E: dividers, compass, pair of compasses;
F: compas (droit/d'appareilleur); G: Zirkel m
E: sand blaster, blasting pot; F: sableuse f;
G: Sandstrahlputzmaschine w, Sandstrahlgerät s
E: volute, scroll; F: volute f;
G: Schnörkel m, Volute w